Tags: cardiology

afib cardioversion experience
Grateful for modern medicine. But sometimes you have to get riled up to...
3 years 6 months BY ELLEN FANNON
2376 Views / 1 Comments / 1 Shares
stay away from doctors
The bad news is now that I have Medicare, my body has decided to take full...
3 years 10 months BY ELLEN FANNON
informed consent doctors won't always tell you
Sometimes what you don't know can hurt you.
4 years 3 months BY PATRICIA CYR
5296 Views / 1 Comments / 7 Shares
sudden attack of afib
Did she make the right decision(s)?
5 years 3 months BY ERIKA HOFFMAN
Afib personal story
How do you talk about having Afib?
6 years 3 months BY TIM MILLER
5395 Views / 25 Comments / 65 Shares
Brugada syndrome personal story
She turned to me and said, “You had another cardiac arrest."
6 years 10 months BY MB
Stress Test
A test that turned out to be more stressful than planned.
8 years 2 weeks Anthony De Gregorio
7241 Views / 0 Comments / 7 Shares
old man flirts with nurse
So often in life we don’t practice hospitality. Often, we are suspicious,...
13 years 8 months BY ERIKA HOFFMAN
Endocarditis: One Man's Battle
February 25, 2000, was an unseasonably warm day that was destined to be a...
15 years 6 months BY VICKIE VAN
14918 Views / 1 Comments / 2 Shares