Tags: orthopedics

personal story tibial tubercle avulsion
I replay my childhood and wish I knew anything then about physical therapy...
3 years 10 months BY KATHLEEN A.
3782 Views / 0 Comments / 12 Shares
physical therapy for back pain
Spoiler alert: Happy ending.
6 years 3 months BY MEGAN THOMAS
5181 Views / 0 Comments / 22 Shares
atypical femur fracture story
Dogs howling for blood? Must be getting close to Halloween, but these...
6 years 4 months BY CLAUDIA FLISI
6241 Views / 11 Comments / 28 Shares
leg braces as a child
As a young child, I had this odd compulsion; to be able to sneak up on my...
7 years 1 month BY RUTH RODGERS
20778 Views / 26 Comments / 72 Shares
my spine fell into my pelvis
“It feels like my spine collapsed into my pelvis,” I told the orthopedic...
7 years 5 months BY JILL HAND
5775 Views / 0 Comments / 6 Shares
cats helping bones heal
Can cats help you heal?
7 years 6 months BY ERIN LAFFEY
Foot operation correct shape personal story
In the way of young children I guess I’d imagined that the doctor would...
7 years 6 months BY JESS DEVINE
thoracic outlet syndrome new career
The onset of TOS forced me to dust off latent interests and develop new...
7 years 8 months BY JEANNE MORAN
6168 Views / 0 Comments / 16 Shares
back pain herniated disc personal story
Back pain, the great leveler.
7 years 8 months BY DAVID M.
Unbreakable Spirit: Osteogenesis Imperfecta
My bones break like fresh saltine crackers.
9 years 2 months BY MARY ENCINIAS
10706 Views / 4 Comments / 435 Shares
