Tags: surgery

are doctors being nice because they are scared I'm a lawyer
Can’t I simply be a patient regardless of what I do when I am not clad in...
4 years 9 months BY ALICE H.
3401 Views / 5 Comments / 43 Shares
Losing my toenails
Sometimes it's the small things.
5 years 8 months DAVID WILSON tells
3998 Views / 0 Comments / 21 Shares
doctors appointments scary
So I sit in my chair—my wheelchair that is—and wait for yet another...
6 years 4 weeks BY BETH SUTTON
forgetting after anesthesia
I had successful keyhole surgery and was discharged from hospital the same...
7 years 5 months Jim Webster
my spine fell into my pelvis
“It feels like my spine collapsed into my pelvis,” I told the orthopedic...
7 years 5 months BY JILL HAND
5790 Views / 0 Comments / 6 Shares
c section scary experience
I was terrified that I could not physically give birth to a child and that...
7 years 6 months BY STEPHANIE HYMAN
5824 Views / 0 Comments / 14 Shares
having a trach personal stories
I was afraid my voice was gone for good. What if I had an emergency? I...
7 years 6 months BY SUZANNE STORMON
5014 Views / 7 Comments / 31 Shares
uterus didephys hysterectomy complications
Attitude has a lot to do with what our journey will look like.
7 years 7 months BY KRISTI SHERWOOD
8229 Views / 6 Comments / 24 Shares
kidney stones pregnancy story
I can’t help but think, what if my initial visits during my pregnancies...
7 years 7 months BY AMBER KIDDER
8507 Views / 0 Comments / 1 Shares
Beep! Pain Management
I push the pain pump button. Nothing. I push it again. Nothing. BEEP...
8 years 4 months BY DESIREE SIMONS
8158 Views / 0 Comments / 43 Shares
