Tags: obstetrics

OB stories experiences India Ghana
Two stories from around the world.
4 years 1 month Story #1 BY
birthing large babies
I wish someone had told me more before I gave birth.
4 years 10 months BY JOY OKAFOR
My Unsuccessful VBAC
The opinion that opting for a Caesarean section over a vaginal birth is...
7 years 2 months BY DAWN E.
7398 Views / 0 Comments / 17 Shares
c section scary experience
I was terrified that I could not physically give birth to a child and that...
7 years 5 months BY STEPHANIE HYMAN
5789 Views / 0 Comments / 14 Shares
kidney stones pregnancy story
I can’t help but think, what if my initial visits during my pregnancies...
7 years 7 months BY AMBER KIDDER
8459 Views / 0 Comments / 1 Shares
In Vitro Fertilization Attitude
I told myself and my body we’ve done all we needed to do; now we are going...
7 years 7 months BY MEAGHAN SHAFFER
6013 Views / 1 Comments / 120 Shares
c section experience autonomy loss
Sometimes nothing goes as planned.
7 years 8 months BY Raqael de
Best Laid Plans and Childbirth
“The baby can still stay in right? It doesn’t need the water?”
8 years 1 month BY ALLY WEINBERG
6895 Views / 0 Comments / 14 Shares
How could I ever choose to save one daughter’s life over the other?
How could I ever choose to save one daughter’s life over the other?
8 years 2 months Crystal Duffy
Pregnancy microcephaly experiences
Carrying a baby with a scary diagnosis puts life in a different...
8 years 8 months BY PETRA WHEATON
