Tags: ophthalmology

Retinal detachment personal story
How I gained clarity after an eye emergency...
4 years 3 months BY JANINE M.
2858 Views / 0 Comments / 34 Shares
driving with macular degeneration
For the longest time, I didn’t understand what was going on with me
5 years 5 months BY JANET LYNCH
7911 Views / 0 Comments / 72 Shares
real men don't wear glasses?
Can a "real man" have poor vision?
6 years 9 months BY CHRISTOPHER DALE
5379 Views / 0 Comments / 1 Shares
dominant optic atrophy personal story
Despite our “PC culture,” why are some invisible disabilities like mine...
7 years 1 month BY CHRISTOPHER DALE
6382 Views / 0 Comments / 17 Shares
IOL surgery experience
I was in my late twenties when I first heard the ophthalmologist t say “I...
7 years 6 months BY NANCY WHITING
5344 Views / 0 Comments / 2 Shares
LASIK surgery personal story
In a twist of irony, I’ve also had moments staring at my reflection in the...
7 years 7 months BY LIZZIE LAWSON
I went in for what I thought would be a regular eye exam. It turned out to...
14 years 6 months BY Barbara Hodges
13200 Views / 0 Comments / 17 Shares
Surgery Feelings
When I was five I had my first surgery to tighten the muscles in my eye...
15 years 10 months BY ELISE CLARK
Fade to Black
Shortly before my fifteenth birthday, my eyesight became cloudy.
15 years 11 months BY NEIL BUTTERS
A Dark Diagnosis?
In 1997, I went to my optometrist for an annual eye exam. I expected to...
16 years 2 weeks BY WENDY KOMANCHECK