Tags: pediatrics

Trisomy 18
You do your best to survive whatever way you can. But sometimes, something...
10 years 5 months BY ALEXIS ROSENBAUM
11392 Views / 1 Comments / 2 Shares
school with cerebral palsy
What is it about school that makes you want to fit in?
10 years 7 months BY KEITH LAUGHINGHOUSE
10188 Views / 1 Comments / 1 Shares
Autism: A Friend in Need
A mother shares her experience...
10 years 8 months BY ANDREA PHILLIPS
8912 Views / 0 Comments / 11 Shares
hair loss bothered me the most
Sometimes children don't see things the way grown-ups do.
11 years 9 months BY JENNIFER REGINALD
12133 Views / 10 Comments / 62 Shares
My Stepson Has Cancer
Terrible news make a family stronger.
12 years 5 months BY KJ JACKSON
13315 Views / 13 Comments / 13 Shares
Polio: Fear Itself
Polio was once one of the most feared childhood diseases.
12 years 11 months BY MICHAEL C.
On Quiet Dogs and Cooking Shows:  A Child Coping with a Brain Tumor
A stuffed dog helps a boy endure cancer treatments.
13 years 5 months BY LISA WEST
12877 Views / 0 Comments / 17 Shares
Pyloric Stenosis
I cried. I had slept about five hours in three days, everything I owned...
14 years 5 months BY LUCINDA GUNNIN
22562 Views / 1 Comments / 62 Shares
Finding Out Our Son Had Hemophilia
We hoped and prayed (along with half the state of Texas) for a girl, and,...
14 years 7 months BY BRETT WEISS
15317 Views / 1 Comments / 1 Shares
teenage epilepsy personal story
She’s reached maximum levels of her current drugs. She’s had four grand...
14 years 11 months BY DEBBY SIMON
17896 Views / 0 Comments / 19 Shares
