At what point did it become a “strength” for one human being to possess...
5 years 5 months BY JACQUELINE CAMACHO
How difficult it may be to keep hope in our hearts and minds when...
5 years 6 months BY LYNN ASSIMACOPOULOS,
“Have you ever thought about dying?” she asked so softly I could barely...
7 years 3 months BY VICKI ROSS
5700 Views / 0 Comments / 4 Shares
My heart would try to pump blood against a clot blocking the way. It would...
9 years 3 weeks BY STEPHANIE ROSE
6955 Views / 0 Comments / 1 Shares
I only saw the patient once, but she changed my life.
9 years 1 month BY MARY ALICE
7137 Views / 0 Comments / 1 Shares
Sometimes a moment just happens.
9 years 10 months Suzanne G. Beyer
9136 Views / 0 Comments / 2 Shares
Part of me is thrilled at the prospect of not starting each workday with...
16 years 8 months by Erica Jacques