Tags: neurology

Mini stroke personal story experience
This couldn’t be happening. I was much too young to be having a stroke.
3 years 2 months BY RACHEL CARRINGTON
walking with HHV-6
A promise is a promise.
5 years 11 months Corinne Corley lives
6022 Views / 1 Comments / 37 Shares
cerebral malaria pesonal story
They just don't see a lot of malaria in the Midwest.
6 years 3 weeks BY DAVID LLOYD
deep brain stimulation personal stories
Days later, the neurologist tells me what he thinks I have. I watch his...
6 years 9 months BY BARBARA ELLEN
thoracic outlet syndrome new career
The onset of TOS forced me to dust off latent interests and develop new...
6 years 10 months BY JEANNE MORAN
5466 Views / 0 Comments / 16 Shares
back pain herniated disc personal story
Back pain, the great leveler.
6 years 11 months BY DAVID M.
Uncertainty is it MS or not
It started out innocently enough.
8 years 3 months BY M. Maher
7008 Views / 0 Comments / 2 Shares
In order to size up his health, the author celebrates the half-century...
8 years 11 months BY ROBERT VINSON
8079 Views / 6 Comments / 55 Shares
Bell's Palsy
Most people recover quickly...
9 years 10 months BY AMY BROWNE
24212 Views / 2 Comments / 61 Shares
transient global amnesia
I used to think that amnesia was just a convenient plot twist that soap...
10 years 3 days BY LAURIE EYNON
