Tags: end of life

how to comfort a dying patient
“Have you ever thought about dying?” she asked so softly I could barely...
7 years 3 months BY VICKI ROSS
5699 Views / 0 Comments / 4 Shares
Hospice care began when my mom's kidneys finally failed for the last...
9 years 2 weeks BY JOAN GREIG
7264 Views / 0 Comments / 18 Shares
The Rollercoaster; My Mother's Last Days
The woman lying in the hospital bed did not look or act like my mother. I...
9 years 11 months BY JANICE LEILANI
The Shadows of Leukemia
Patrick’s leukemia is only a grey shadow. Don’t look.
11 years 11 months BY PATRICIA HALDERMAN
Living Wills Personal Story
So many of us think we will live forever...
12 years 6 days BY DREW DAVENPORT
10871 Views / 0 Comments / 30 Shares
soothing dementia
One woman finds a way to help her Dad.
13 years 8 months BY ELLEN DENTON
mother saw spring bunnies while dying
Persistent allergies turn out to be symptoms of stage four cancer! A board...
13 years 10 months BY BEVERLY SPRIGGS
mother brain tumor
“I don’t want you or your sisters to tell anyone that your mother has a...
14 years 2 months BY KAREN STRINE
14617 Views / 0 Comments / 1 Shares
Dementia: Choices
For my father... It wasn't until I wrote this that I understood.
15 years 1 week BY AMYE ARCHER
11966 Views / 1 Comments / 1 Shares
One Death
I think… we are not losing individuals; we are all moving towards one...
15 years 11 months BY KAREN OTT
16180 Views / 0 Comments / 15 Shares