Tags: delirium

The Rollercoaster; My Mother's Last Days
The woman lying in the hospital bed did not look or act like my mother. I...
10 years 6 hours BY JANICE LEILANI
The Seven and One-Half Week Moment
You never know what you can do until you have to.
10 years 4 months BY CAROL GRANNICK
12267 Views / 0 Comments / 41 Shares
mother saw spring bunnies while dying
Persistent allergies turn out to be symptoms of stage four cancer! A board...
13 years 11 months BY BEVERLY SPRIGGS
ruptured appendix story
Approximately two months prior to my fiftieth birthday I sensed this one...
14 years 1 month BY CLAIRE LUNA-PINSKER
30761 Views / 0 Comments / 4 Shares
Reindeer Fever
Transplant drugs can have some strange side-effects...
16 years 9 months by David Eyes