Tags: children

Speech Language Pathology stories
Being a Speech-Language Pathologist Has Written Inescapable Words On My...
4 years 4 months BY CASS KIM
3671 Views / 0 Comments / 67 Shares
OCD: I Can't Control My Brain
I became an insane perfectionist.
10 years 7 months BY ANNA GRAGERT
15010 Views / 0 Comments / 33 Shares
My Stepson Has Cancer
Terrible news make a family stronger.
12 years 5 months BY KJ JACKSON
13329 Views / 13 Comments / 13 Shares
teenage epilepsy personal story
She’s reached maximum levels of her current drugs. She’s had four grand...
14 years 11 months BY DEBBY SIMON
17912 Views / 0 Comments / 19 Shares
Tethered Spinal Cord: My Hero
It was the end of January. It was my first trip out of town alone since...
15 years 5 months BY MARGARET STAAB
20139 Views / 1 Comments / 1 Shares
Review Handle With Care
Yes, we are still doing "Reviews" but with our new web design...
15 years 9 months BY LOUISE NORLIE
31499 Views / 1 Comments / 3 Shares
The Clumsy Child
I‘d been riding my bike in the street when I mounted the curb ending up...
15 years 9 months BY MARY COOK
17528 Views / 0 Comments / 1 Shares
Food Allergies
“I have your son’s test results,” the doctor said over the phone. I...
15 years 11 months BY JOANNE LaSPINA
11096 Views / 0 Comments / 1 Shares