Tags: childhood illness

leg braces as a child
As a young child, I had this odd compulsion; to be able to sneak up on my...
6 years 11 months BY RUTH RODGERS
20568 Views / 26 Comments / 72 Shares
mother and son hydrocephalus
This isn’t just my struggle as a mother but this is his struggle.
10 years 2 weeks BY KAYLA McCLURE
11611 Views / 1 Comments / 1 Shares
OCD: I Can't Control My Brain
I became an insane perfectionist.
10 years 6 months BY ANNA GRAGERT
14962 Views / 0 Comments / 33 Shares
On Quiet Dogs and Cooking Shows:  A Child Coping with a Brain Tumor
A stuffed dog helps a boy endure cancer treatments.
13 years 4 months BY LISA WEST
12829 Views / 0 Comments / 17 Shares
Accepting Asthma Into My Life
My Christmas present- Asthma!
13 years 6 months BY JESSE POHLMAN
12958 Views / 0 Comments / 42 Shares
Finding Out Our Son Had Hemophilia
We hoped and prayed (along with half the state of Texas) for a girl, and,...
14 years 6 months BY BRETT WEISS
15238 Views / 1 Comments / 1 Shares