Tags: bipolar disorder

bipolar medication rollercoast
Sometimes you wonder which is worse...the disease or the treatment.
5 years 1 month BY COLLEEN BEDFORD
4634 Views / 2 Comments / 49 Shares
ADHD: Attention Has Been Spanned
Like mother, like daughter?
10 years 10 months BY ELISE SEYFRIED
Dragon In My Bones
The dragon is bipolar disorder. It breathes fire and smoke through a veil...
11 years 3 months BY AKIL WINGATE
Mothering with Bipolar Disorder
Telling my family I decided to stay off of medication was a difficult...
12 years 3 months BY CARLA FISCHER
12272 Views / 0 Comments / 26 Shares
Bipolar Disorder and Postpartum Depression
You do not love them enough. You are incapable of caring for them. They...
12 years 4 months BY FRANCES BRYANT
weight loss and bipolar disorder
When I was sixteen, I was slender. I have photographic evidence.
13 years 3 weeks BY DAVID BERLIN
14245 Views / 7 Comments / 9 Shares
Paranoid and Delusional Walks
I’m yelling at an empty room, having paused for a few minutes from...
14 years 7 months BY JOE MARKMAN
14300 Views / 0 Comments / 1 Shares
Me and Them
A Journey from Alienation to Meaning and Purpose
16 years 5 months by Sally Clay
11944 Views / 0 Comments / 12 Shares
Bipolar Disorder Reins of Wild Horses
Before 1986 I used to crack up regularly, sometimes as often as once a...
16 years 6 months by Sally Clay
22985 Views / 1 Comments / 33 Shares