About Us

You&Me-America's Medical Magazine is a registered US trademark by AleCat LLC

Welcome to You&Me-America's Medical Magazine. Please look around our site. We are updating our content on a regular basis and be sure and check back frequently for new feature articles and other material.

We have all the tools for social networking and want to keep developing a community of people who are interested in medicine and the people who are involved in it-from either a patient or a provider perspective.

What are we about? You&Me started life as a print magazine. People liked the magazine, but we began to feel that that medium lacked the immediacy, the "connectivity " of the web. We are all about the experiences, the emotions and the relationships that make up the lives of human beings. So we wanted feedback and discourse. So we moved to the web and so this website that you see before you.

You&Me-America's Medical Magazine will always be a work in progress. Please feel free to contact us with any suggestions or comments using our contact form, or by emailing us at info@youandmemagazine.com.

Thank you for visiting our site.