YOU & ME MAGAZINE IS CURRENTLY NOT ACCEPTING NEW SUBMISSIONS. Thank you very much for your interest in our magazine and best wishes.
Please note: No links except emailing us using gmail directly without click-through or cut-and-paste will work. In other words go to your email and type "youandmesubmissionsatgmaildotcom" with the appropriate @ and . and send us your query.
PLEASE NOTE: You&Me does not use advertising content such as "guest posts."
Note: It has come to our attention that there may be malicious spam the purports to come from "officeatyouandmemagazine." We do not send ANY emails using the "atyouandmemagazine" format unless we are responding to submissions@ so if you see such an email, do not open it and it should be deleted.
You do not have to be a "professional writer" to contribute to our magazine. Therefore this information is designed to explain any terminology that might be confusing. If you are a professional writer, just note the key words and you'll be fine as well.
If your article would identify anyone else's medical history, you must have permission in writing to do so before you query us or send us any material. We accept such stories only rarely. WE CURRENTLY ARE NOT ACCEPTING STORIES WRITTEN ABOUT MINORS (I.E. YOUR CHILDREN.)
So many authors have generously shared their experiences with bipolar disorder that we are currently not able to accept any more articles on this topic.
Remember, once on the internet, always on the internet. Your friends, enemies, family members, future bosses and the general public may see your article. We are fine with writers using pseudonyms or disguising their identifying details. However, once we have purchased an article we will not take it down.
You&Me America's Medical Magazine seeks non-fiction articles, preferably from a first-person perspective, about the human aspects of dealing with all medical issues, from the life threatening to the chronic to the so-called "trivial." We do not want all happy endings or all sad endings. We can use some health-care provider perspectives as well. We do not want or use informational articles. We also cannot use any third person articles unless they are about the personal impact the writer experienced dealing with the medical issues of a spouse or close family member (and we accept these only rarely as mentioned above.)
Usual length 1000-2500 words. We will consider other lengths, but it less likely that we could use them. Format: block paragraphs, single spaced, only one space between sentences, no indentations. Double space between paragraphs. We cannot use articles containing hyperlinks (links to web pages) or decorations such as outlines or headers, so remove these before sending if we request to review your article.
Articles work best when they are intimate and personal, and also focus on a particular experience or aspect of the larger experiences. We cannot use "summary" or informational articles. It works best to focus on a single day, event, experience or reaction that may be part of your entire experience. See the examples below:
Please note that we are not limited to the above topics. If you can write on a topic we haven't covered yet, or offer a unique viewpoint, we are more likely to accept your submission.
In today's publishing environment the old model of an author selling an article and then abrogating all promotion or future involvement to the buyer is obsolete. We seek contributors who understand modern media and can detail how they will link to their article, or promote it via social media.
We buy articles that have not been printed and also do buy reprints, if the author has reprint rights. We currently buy only the right to publish in our magazine. We do not currently seek any exclusive rights and you will be free to sell your work elsewhere, depending on the willingness of other entities to buy it.
We pay on acceptance. We do not pay specifically by the word, but as many authors do want to know price ranges, our payment for rights to publish on our website average 4-5 cents a word.
- We do all initial communication via email.
Please note: No links except emailing us using gmail directly without click-through or cut-and-paste will work. In other words go to your email and type "youandmesubmissionsatgmaildotcom" with the appropriate @ and . and send us your query. - Your first contact with us should be a "query" i.e. an email describing the nature of your work, how long it is, and any other details you feel are important (such as whether or not you have photos with the text). You may want to include a brief excerpt from the work. SEND THE QUERY IN THE BODY OF THE EMAIL. We will not open any unsolicited attachments due to liability and security concerns.
- We will contact via email you after we have looked over your query. If you have not heard back from us in 1-2 weeks please feel free to send us another email to make sure we received the query.
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