The You&Me Blog

We are going to experiment with some affiliate links in the upcoming weeks, so we are writing this post to give our readers a heads-up. Most likely, in 2021, anyone who has been on the Internet for more than fifteen minutes in their life knows what an affiliate link is. But if you are unfamiliar, these are the hyperlinks, either as web addresses or highlighted words that you see in articles on web sites, that lead you to another web page where you can shop for whatever that merchant sells. Why do websites do this? Because if you do buy something, our website gets a little payment, in...
We haven’t posted much on COVID lately. Frankly, it was just rather depressing. And by depressing, we are not strictly speaking about those who have suffered losses due to COVID infections, but also the frustration of watching media hype, hysteria (from all ends of the political spectrum, let us be clear about that) and mismanagement make a bad situation worse, and knowing that there is nothing we can do about it. Anyway, now we have vaccines. And those are very helpful. There are always many questions that people have about vaccines, of course, but here we are going to address one question:...
“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ --Some Guy It seems like the Internet loves a juicy conspiracy story, but can’t recognize real collusive patterns when they are right there for the viewing. And what is the big lie of the title of this post? That we are “all in this together” when it comes to COVID-19. Here’s a report from Amnesty International about the UK’s treatment of old people living in care facilities with the advent of COVID-19.
The creation of statistical data is informed by basic questions of ethics and philosophy. How do we decide that something is a thing? How do we identify things as being in particular category? And which do we value more: beneficence or autonomy? What information should be gathered, and what should be allowed to be seen by the public? What are we trying to prove, or to say, about the world at large with our information? And once we get those things settled as best we can, then there are practical considerations. Can the data we want actually be measured? Do we have the resources to do so? What...
By this we don’t mean all the contact tracers that never came to be, but all those lurid, red ink numbers about COVID-19 that used to be on the front page of all our news websites. Oh right, numbers are going down now. That’s not news. Let’s wait and hope they go up again. Get those clicks! Gotta scare or anger people to get engagement, baby! Statistics of varying utility are still out there, though. Each state in the United States, for example, has some form of tracking posted. Politics and competency still impact this reporting, of course. But with the power of middle school math, you can...
Okay, there’s not a study, but you know it’s probably true… But, masks don’t actually do anthin…Hush! Of course they aren’t a perfect solution. But like wishing Tinkerbell alive in Peter Pan, if we all pretend really hard then good things will happen. Namely that maybe we can extricate ourselves from political and media fear spiral we find ourselves trapped in and get our economy and our rights back on track. Now, before any reader consigns us to the brigade of tin foil hat wearers (with MAGA scrawled on that hat somewhere), let’s be clear: the COVID-19 virus is not nothing. We are not...
…is right twice a day. * Many years ago, the US Marine Corps decided to collect DNA swabs from all their marines. Two young marines filed a lawsuit, alleging that there were inadequate precautions in place to safeguard this sensitive data, and were no guidelines or controls on how the information would be used. Now these men and their families were proto-Qanon members, certified tin foil hat wearers who referenced vague, but widespread conspiracy theories in their complaints to the media. But the thing is, they were right. The data was being collected without safeguards or limits on use, and...
Hi there! We haven’t posted much on COVID and/or coronavirus news lately. It’s a fast-moving target, there are other places to get information (but be careful!) and we have already said that the US needs better testing, better planning and more coordinated responses, as well as a reduction in panic-mongering and an increase in realistic risk-reduction strategies. But sometimes…you just want to say something, especially about our particular pet peeve: politicians, who may be fine as administrators and lawyers, stepping into the realm of practicing medicine, where they most definitely do not...
Is the current coronavirus thing worth worrying about? We realize that even asking this might be seen as putting us in “Internet commentators who post about ‘crooked Hilary’ a lot” territory because here in the US of A anything can be politicized, unfortunately. But people need to know just how serious the current virus of focus is, or isn’t, because currently the sources of information they tend to rely on, the government and the media, have failed to provide them with accurate data. People do seem to think that their political affiliation, and if they just believe hard enough, like saving...
Been a lot going on lately, no? It’s to the point where we almost feel pressured to post something like all those CEOs of giant corporations have about how we here at You&Me think racism is bad. Well, we may be going out on a shocking limb here, but we here at You&Me do think racism is bad. We are also aware that it exists and has existed prior to 2020. One interesting way that that does impact our site, is in our selection of stock photos. Over the past few years, we have mostly used images without people in them to illustrate our articles. We have done that for two main reasons,...
