We've changed the site around a bit, adding more ways to access the stories, including a "random" article generator in the tool bar on top. Stories will now link to similar stories as well.
In addition, we've upgraded (we think) our layout. You can still register or log in on the top tool bar to post comments, network, or search for articles.
Our mission and vision remain the same-to bring you the best personal stories, reflections and comments on medically related topics that you can find on the internet.
If you are new to the site, we present these stories without editorializing in the sense of changing the conclusions or reflections of the writers. We might have felt or thought differently but we want our contributors to speak with their own voices. This site also does not receive any support or funds from any third parties such as drug companies or advocacy organizations- if the contributors mention that is their own choice-of course we do take out identifible details when necessary. Generally it is our policy to do so when certain kinds of negative experiences are mentioned, but leave in positive ones.
Please feel free to look around, sign up, leave a comment, link to us, and come back often!
The Editors